Collecting Religion Lecture Series
A lecture series given by faculty in the Department of Religious Studies who use primary sources from Special Collections in the MSU Library in teaching and research. Each presentation will include ample time for conversation. The sources will be available for viewing during the talks. Bring your lunch; Coffee and tea will be provided.
Schedule of Lectures:
1/30/25: Professor Laura Yares – Primary collection: ChamberlainWarren Samaritan Collection
2/6/25: Profssor Morgan Shipley – Primary collection: The Simmons Collection
2/20/25: Professor Amy DeRogatis – Primary collection: Millerite Prophetic Chart, and Explanation of the Prophetic Chart,and Application of the Truth
2/27/25: Professor Emerita Jyotsna Singh – Primary collection: The Alcoran of Mohamet
3/13/25: Professor Chris Frillingos – Primary collection: RADICALISM Collection, plus an “apocalyptic comic”