Covid Comeback with the College of Arts & Letters

Feeling rushed and like time is running out to complete internships, study abroad/study away, and other experiential opportunities you want to include in your college career? Unsure how to discuss your Covid Experiences, or lack thereof, in professional situations? Join us on Monday, November 8 where we will discuss how to make your own Covid Comeback with planning and career paths in a post covid job market, how to confidently craft your narrative describing your Covid experience, and how to get back on track in a Post-Covid College environment.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of this event, students will be able to:

1. Discuss how they spent time during Covid for professional conversations

2. Revise their perception of the linearity of education and career paths.

3. Apply the key components of parallel planning (academic, personal, professional) to their own college paths.

4. Identify planning strategies to map out college career paths and ensure they can incorporate the experiential learning activities they seek to complete prior to graduation.


Nov 8, 2021


4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


Online Event
Register here