Woman with brown skin tone standing in front of book cases smiling at camera

The Bollywood Muslim: Re-Imagining Masculinity, Contesting Nationhood.

A Special Presentation by Dr. Sunera Thobani Professor of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia

From Wikipedia –

“Sunera Thobani is a Tanzanian-Canadian feminist sociologist, academic, and activist. Her research interests include critical race theory, postcolonial feminism, anti-imperialism, Islamophobia, Indigeneity, and the War on Terror. She is currently a Professor in the Department of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia. Thobani is also a founding member of Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality/Equity (R.A.C.E.), the former president of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women (NAC), and the director for the Centre for Race, Autobiography, Gender, and Age (RAGA).”

Organized by the MSU Muslim Studies Program and cosponsored by the Asian Studies Center, Center for Gender in Global Context, Film Studies, and Global Studies in the Arts & Humanities


Apr 3, 2025


3:00 pm - 4:20 pm




Biochemistry Building, Room 101
603 Wilson Rd, East Lansing, MI 48824