The Visionary Art of Ralph Fasanella: An Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives Symposium
This symposium is a hybrid event with an in-person and simulcast plenary, poster sale and book signing, and in-library exhibit featuring the Ralph Fasanella paintings from the MSU collection. All other panels and museum tours will be held virtually via Zoom.
All sessions and events are free to all participants, but you must register to receive additional information and links for joining the symposium audience.
Wednesday, September 14th, 2022 –
Americans Unseen – Pre-Event Virtual Tour – 10:30-12:00pm via Zoom
A virtual curator gallery tour with exhibit curator, Dr. Paul D’Ambrosio, of the exhibit of Fasanella portraits currently on exhibit at the Fenimore Museum in Cooperstown, New York.
Symposium Kickoff
Attention Must Be Paid: The Insistent Voice of Ralph Fasanella – 3:00-4:30PM – Green Room, 4th Floor, MSU Library
Talk by Nancy Wallach with Response by Marc Fasanella. Nancy Wallach is an award winning, nationally recognized art educator and artist, whose thirty four year spanning career in public education includes offering a union based program of professional development and support to culturally diverse and immigrant teachers in New York’s inner city schools.
Book signing, poster sale, and participant reception will follow in the Green Room.
Thursday, September 15, 2022 –
Four online panels will explore the life of Ralph Fasanella, his legacy and the major themes in his work. Please see the hourly schedule below for more details.
Symposium presenters will include: Christopher Alessandrini, John P. Beck, Simone Brioni, Elise Bryant, Peter Carravetta, Ron Carver, Paul D’Ambrosio, C. Kurt Dewhurst, Dominica Diraviam, Marc Fasanella, Candace Keller, Loredana Polezzi, Dean Rehberger, Jurg K. Siegenthaler, Christian Sweeney, Anthony Julian Tamburri, Nancy Wallach and Stephanie Wuertz. More information on the session topics and speakers can be found at www.fasanella.org.
Friday, September 16, 2022 –
Ralph Fasanella: Portraits in American Life – A Special Post-Symposium Event – 7:00-9:00pm at Hill Gallery; 407 W. Brown Street, Birmingham, Michigan
Opening Reception with hosts Pamela and Timothy Hill • Graduates of MSU
This Symposium is sponsored by: Our Daily Work/Our Daily Lives with additional support from MATRIX, The Center for Digital Humanities and Social Science, the MSU Library, the Fenimore Art Museum, and the Ralph Fasanella estate.
Hourly Schedule
Wednesday, September 14th
- 10:30am - 12:00pm
- Americans Unseen: Pre-Event Virtual Tour of Ralph Fasanella Portraits at the Fenimore Museum
- Zoom
- 3:00pm - 4:30pm
- Attention Must Be Paid: The Insistent Voice of Ralph Fasanella
- Green Room, 4th Floor, MSU Library
Thursday, September 15th
- 9:00am - 10:20am
- Labor Culture/Workers Culture
- Zoom
- 10:30am - 12:00pm
- Documenting Fasanella: An Audio-Visual Appreciation
- Zoom
- 12:30pm - 2:30pm
- Fasanella in Context
- Zoom
- 3:00pm - 4:30pm
- Knowing Ralph: Father, Friend, Folk Icon
- Zoom
Friday, September 16th - A Special Post-Symposium Event
- 7:00pm - 9:00pm
- Ralph Fasanella: Portraits in American Life
- Hill Gallery • 407 W. Brown Street • Birmingham, Michigan